Our team

CC&L Infrastructure is a multifaceted team focused on acquiring,
developing, constructing, financing, and managing infrastructure assets.


This includes experienced investment professionals, in-house asset management personnel with technical,
construction, and operating expertise, development oversight and a strong finance function.
Collectively, we have a diverse set of skills that provides deep insight into projects during due diligence
and helps enhance returns through an active management approach during ownership.


Please see below for senior members of our team.

Investment team

Photo of Matt O'Brien

Matt O’Brien

President & Managing Director

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Photo of Ryan Lapointe

Ryan Lapointe

Managing Director

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Photo of David Chatburn

David Chatburn

Managing Director

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Eric Reidel

Managing Director

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Andrew Parkes

Managing Director

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Kaitlin Blainey

Managing Director

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Photo of Ilya Karankevich

Ilya Karankevich


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Photo of Wendy Wang

Wendy Wang

Vice President

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Michael Chan

Michael Chan

Vice President 

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Sonja Weiss

Sonja Weiss

Vice President

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Asset Management team

Moira Turnbull-Fox

Head of Asset Management & Managing Director

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Jason Woods

Director, Head of Operational Asset Management

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Patrick Gilmour

Director, Head of Strategic Asset Management

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John Woomert

Lead Asset Manager

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Photo of Hayden Waller

Hayden Waller

Vice President

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Finance team

Photo of Andrew Agatep

Andrew Agatep

Chief Financial Officer

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Michelle Hung


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Photo of Amy Wu

Amy Wu


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Investment Committee members

CC&L Infrastructure prides itself on having a comprehensive and
rigorous process for evaluating investment opportunities. Buying assets
for the right price and the right reasons is critical to our ability to
generate attractive returns on a consistent basis for our clients.


We have experienced Investment Committee members, whose primary role is to review investment
activities – ensuring thoroughness and integrity of our analysis and effectiveness of our investment
decisions. Unanimous consent is required for each transaction.

Photo of Matt O'Brien

Matt O’Brien

President & Managing Director,
CC&L Infrastructure

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Photo of Michael Freund

Michael Freund

CC&L Financial Group Ltd.

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Warren Stoddart

President and Chief
Executive Officer,
CC&L Financial Group

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Independent Advisory Committee members

CC&L Infrastructure benefits from the experienced oversight
of its independent Advisory Committee members, each of whom
are well-respected industry professionals active in
the markets that we target.


These individuals provide guidance and counsel to the business. They are primarily responsible for
the quarterly valuations across the infrastructure portfolio as well as providing guidance
with respect to relevant related party and conflict matters.

Brian Kenning

Advisory Committee Member

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Patrick Madigan

Advisory Committee Member

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Paul Pugh

Advisory Committee Member

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CC&L Infrastructure
March 18th, 2022